By Philip Deslippe
To the observer, the techniques of Sat Nam Rasayan® (SNR) may look simple, but it is only through a specific and detailed training of the practioner that the subtleties of this healing technique can be accessed.
In time a practitioner learns to use specific SNR® techniques to bring about many different and specific experiences in the client.
In a typical Sat Nam Rasayan® session, a client lies down in front of a practitioner who, while comfortably seated, lightly touches the client and comes to a specific meditative state known as “the projective meditative mind.”
“The awareness of the Sat Nam Rasayan® practitioner becomes transcendent and in the vastness of their consciousness, healing will happen. The state is a pure meditative absorption between the practitioner and the client, in the Divine.”

Clients see a Sat Nam Rasayan® practitioner for a wide array of issues ranging from physical pain and discomfort, to depression and anxiety. Those who have a SNR® treatment typically describe an experience of calm, relaxation, and balance. Many find that SNR® and the practice of Kundalini Yoga wonderfully complement each other; that a yogic practice allows one to more easily hold a meditative space, and the practice of Sat Nam Rasayan® allows one to practice Kundalini Yoga kriyas with great awareness and depth.