I am a Sacred Journey Guide, Archaeologist, Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Healer and Spiritual Celebrant with Spiritual Ceremonies.ie.

I began my spiritual training in 2002 as an apprentice to Amantha Murphy, international Spiritual Teacher, Mystic and Seer.

I studied archaeology in University College Cork, where my early studies focussed on Síle na gig, the iconic Irish female totem. Later I completed a masters thesis on the burial practices of 1000yrs of burials at The St. Brendan foundation at Ardfert, Co Kerry. This experience gave me a great awareness and a strong reverence for the ancestors and their influences on our lives.

As a child I always had a very uplifting spiritual connection with the land, spending a lot of time at my grandmother’s farm, where there were several ancient burial mounds and a castle that enlivened my childhood imagination. This farm was located not far from the Hill of Uisneach, now famous as the Axis Mundi and the Dreamtime of Irish Mysticism. This potent place of ceremony is my spiritual home.

On a school visit to Newgrange as a child I had my first awakening to the powerful telluric earth energies of that special place which led me on the path of Myth, Magic and Shamanism, connecting me to the ancestors of this land and the sacred land of Eriú.

Kundalini Yoga & Sat Nam Rasayan Healing

I have been practicing Yoga since 1989 trying many of the various strains of yoga, dance and movement until discovering Kundalini yoga in 2006. After a few years of consistent daily practice, I naturally progressed to training as a teacher. I have been teaching Kundalini yoga since 2009, though since the revelations, in 2020, from victims of abuse by the teacher, who brought kundalini yoga to the west my practice is very much tempered by the observance of my own personal experience and what works for me. We have recently completed a beautiful retreat space here in county Kerry, Ireland, where I hope to offer retreats and weekend workshops to celebrate the cross quarter days of the ancient calendar . I also practice Sat Nam Rasayan, the ancient healing modality of Kundalini yoga.

Community Living

A most enriching experience in my life, I lived in an intentional community in Italy for 5 years helping to renovate medieval houses in an abandoned hamlet in the mountains of Northern Tuscany. There I learned to speak Italian.

Sacred Journeys Guide

For over three decades, I have led groups of people on visits to the sacred sites of Ireland. I am passionate about facilitating the deepening of our spiritual connection to our beloved Mother Earth and the greater cosmos by walking the land, honouring and celebrating the places which have always been known as sacred places – The Stone Circles, The Holy Wells, The Sacred Trees, The Rivers, Lakes and Mountains. The ancestors of our many myths and legends are immortalised in their placenames, whispering memories of ancient connections. The great roots of our ancient trees remind us of the interconnectedness and oneness of all things.

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